The three organizations that will be gifting projects and supplies to are:
JEVS: JEVS Human Services enhances the employability, independence, and quality of life of individuals through a broad range of programs. Consistent with our core principles and entrepreneurial spirit, JEVS Human Services creates innovative and sustainable solutions to address current and future community needs.

Founded in 1941 by 25 Jewish concerned citizens, Jewish Employment and Vocational Service was established to help Jewish refugees adjust to life in Philadelphia. Today, JEVS Human Services is one of the largest, private nonprofit organizations in the Delaware Valley. We are an organization that makes hope happen for more than 21,000 individuals each year, focusing on individuals with physical, developmental, and emotional challenges, as well as those facing adverse socio-economic conditions, including unemployment and underemployment.

Project Home: he mission of the Project H.O.M.E. community is to empower adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to alleviate the underlying causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society. We strive to create a safe and respectful environment where we support each other in our struggles for self-esteem, recovery, and the confidence to move toward self-actualization.

Project H.O.M.E. achieves its mission through a continuum of care comprised of street outreach, a range of supportive housing, and comprehensive services. We address the root causes of homelessness through neighborhood-based affordable housing, economic development, and environmental enhancement programs, as well as through providing access to employment opportunities; adult and youth education; and health care.

PPS: The Pennsylvania Prison Society has been an unwavering voice for justice and compassion for more than two centuries. Since its founding in 1787 on fundamentals embedded in the United States Constitution by many of this nation’s most notable forebears, such as Dr. Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, and Bishop William White, the Prison Society has continued its mission of advocating for a humane, just, and restorative correctional system and promoting a rational approach to criminal justice issues.

Members of the Prison Society believe that offenders should be held accountable for breaking laws; that sanctions should be constructive, corrective and humane; and that systemic changes in corrections can be accomplished through collaborations between social service and government agencies, an involved and educated public, and a responsible and informed legislature.

• Our advocacy activities for prisoners and their families include meeting regularly with decision-makers, legislators, top corrections and parole officials. We also collaborate with other groups to effect reform in alternative areas, such as abolition of the death penalty.
• More than 270 Prison Society Official Visitors routinely call on inmates statewide and monitor and report on prison conditions.
• The Prison Society coordinates a community coalition of more than 30 social service organizations, universities, and individuals that provide education and support to women in the Philadelphia prison system.
• Reentry programs empower ex-offenders to become respected and productive members of the community by helping them find jobs and other necessities. Successful reintegration reduces recidivism, thus lowering the prison population.
• We help families affected by incarceration build and maintain their relationships through programs such as parenting education, support groups for children of incarcerated parents, and transportation to distant prisons for visits.
• Our publications, Correctional Forum and Graterfriends, inform the community about criminal justice issues and trends.
• Lectures and issues forums are conducted both inside and outside prison walls to increase public awareness and encourage public debate.

The Pennsylvania Prison Society has advocated for the humane treatment of prisoners for over two centuries, and continues to monitor Pennsylvania’s prisons, advocate for reform, advocate for rational legislation, educate the public regarding correctional reform, and support prisoners, their families, and those recently released in their efforts to improve themselves. Our hope is that, once society understands the need for the formerly incarcerated to earn a living and be productive members in their communities, crime rates will drop — as will the number of prisons Pennsylvanians must maintain.

Give us your ideas or your favorite organizations. We will use you as a reference when contacting the organizations so please give us a contact inside the organization you know or inform the organization about so they can contact us. You can contact us at [email protected]